Managed by The Heritage Alliance and the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Heritage Funding Directory is a free guide to financial support for anyone undertaking UK related heritage projects. This is a useful starting point for navigating funding sources in the sector and it is recommended that you visit the funder’s website directly to explore the latest information.
Thanks to support from the Historic Houses Foundation, The Heritage Alliance and The Architectural Heritage Fund combined their funding directories to provide around 400 updated listings detailing sources of grants from trusts and foundations, as well as organisations offering loan finance, awards, scholarships and other ‘in kind’ resources.
The Directory’s entries cover historic buildings, landscapes, parks and gardens, churchyards and cemeteries, industrial heritage, archives, historic churches, museums, archaeology, the environmental, heritage skills, conservation and more.
Previously only available as a standalone PDF, the International Funding Directory has been incorporated into the full original Heritage Funding Directory to substantially increase the number of listings for heritage work at home and abroad. Find these funds by filtering ‘Geographical Area’ to ‘International’.
With greatest thanks to Heritage Alliance member and former Chief Executive, Kate Pugh, for compiling a brilliant list of international funding sources.
Are you able to offer funding? Please support this vital heritage sector tool by contacting the Communications Team at The Heritage Alliance to keep your entry up to date or to register a new fund.
To assist organisations throughout the pandemic, The Heritage Alliance has compiled advice and guidance on mitigating the effects of COVID-19 for organisations across the heritage sector. Access the live document here: THA COVID-19 Guidance Hub.
The Architectural Heritage Fund also produced a handy guide on support available to charities and social enterprises during COVID-19.
“I find the Directory massively helpful in tracking down sources of funding”
“It really helps our museum keep pace with the times”
“It is a great resource”
User feedback from 2019 HFD survey
Header Image Credit: Kerr Martin (Rosefield Mills)